Our Solution to Restore the Forgotten Forests
The Blue Front Yard Approach
In the same way as we maintain and restore nature areas on land (parks, forests, green spaces), a healthy and well maintained ‘Blue Front Yard’ provides substantial benefits to local communities and economies.
Empowering coastal communities
Community and industry driven restoration initiatives. Engages local authorities, scientific institutions & industry.
Global potential
Affected coastal communities on all continents.
Considers all types of habitats, marine vegetation and other maritime activities.
Seaforestation techniques
We replant the ocean and restore seaweed ecosystems using innovative seaforestation techniques.
Our main approach involves the seeding of small stones with seaweed spores, growing them on land in specialised nurseries and deploying them in the sea. The seeded stones can be scattered from a boat without the need for divers or technical equipment, providing a low-cost and scalable seaforestation solution. We have been testing and promoting the technique through research projects in Portugal and overseas.
The seeded stones are part of a suite of seaforestation tools that SeaForester uses, designed to local conditions.
What we do!
SeaForester is an environmental impact company dedicated to restoring the forgotten forests in our ocean.
We develop seaforestation projects with coastal communities and provide training to local partners.
Project Financing
We raise funds from our clients to finance seaforestation in targeted areas.
Research & Development
We test and optimise seaforestation techniques and monitoring approaches, drive technology development, and gather data on ecosystem services.
We create awareness, assist in local education and communicate global seaforestation efforts.
We support coastal communities
We bring together local stakeholders to plan and implement seaforestation projects to seize the vast potential of seaweed forests in supporting ocean health and livelihoods. We help to develop the needed infrastructure and local expertise to restore and sustainably manage seaweed ecosystems.
Research & Development
SeaForester is driving innovation in seaweed restoration through testing and optimising seaforestation techniques and advancing technology development. Our infrastructure and partnerships in Portugal and abroad provide ideal conditions to test our solution in different regions around the world with support from top scientists in the field.
Engaging and educating the public
We all have to work together to ensure that our marine habitats and natural resources are used sustainably. To raise awareness and generate public support for seaforestation projects, we assist our clients in engaging and educating the public. We bring them closer to the world of seaweeds and make them appreciate these impressive underwater forests.